It’s that glorious time once again in Seattle – time for the Seattle International Film Festival! SIFF will be happening May 15 through June 7, 2015 and your humble cartoonist plans to see around 40 films this year. Rather than post my usual M, W, F updates, I’ll be “SIFF sketching” throughout the run of the festival. I will be writing a short capsule review of everything I see as well as doing a quick sketch illustrating some aspect of the film or the festival and posting them, ideally, the day of or the very next day after depending on how late the films are running and how packed my schedule of films is on a given day.

This Wednesday’s comic will be a brief history of SIFF, which began in 1976 and today features 450 films  over the course of its 25 day yearly run. Sadly, I lack a time-turner or a TARDIS, so I won’t be seeing anywhere near all of the films or even as many as I’d ideally like to see, but I will be cramming in as many as my financial and time budget allows.

On Friday I will be announcing a fun SIFF related feature that allows you, the readers of the Cinefiles, to participate in the SIFF madness we’ll be featuring in the comic, so tune in for that also!

The full schedule of films can be found online at  Be watching!