I will be your Cinema Matchmaker!

For the last several years, I’ve been offering my services as a “Cinema Matchmaker” to family and friends during the yearly run of the Seattle International Film Festival. I ask them to tell me three films they’ve enjoyed in the past – any film, seen anywhere, from any genre – and, based on those three films, I suggest one film that will be screening at SIFF that year that I think they’ll enjoy. I have rarely, if ever, been wrong! This year, I’m extending my no-cost, just for fun, “cineyenta” service to readers of the Cinefiles Comic.

I understand that SIFF can be an overwhelming embarrassment of cinema riches for many people new to the festival, so I love to offer my help to make this excellent yearly film feast more enticing for festival newbies. You don’t have to be a close personal friend of Robert Redford to enjoy SIFF – it’s open to everyone, not just movie stars and big Hollywood producers. Plus, the movies are screening at so many venues around the Sound, both in the city and the suburbs, and it’s no more expensive than going to see a current blockbuster at the multiplex. SIFF audiences tend to be very polite and are definitely there to see the movie, not to have a conversation with their neighbor or to send text messages or play Candy Crush on their phone in the theater.

There are films for families, so the littlest future cineaste can get a head start on their lifelong love of movies. There are films in a multitude of languages with subtitles for those missing home, looking to connect with their heritage or to practice their rusty high school French. There are romances for the lovers, suspense films and mysteries for armchair detectives, midnight adrenaline pumpers for thrill seekers, short film packages for those who want to pack as much into a couple of hours as possible, documentaries for those wanting to expand their horizons of knowledge, experimental cinema for the truly adventurous and so much more!

So send me the titles of three films you’ve really enjoyed in the past via comments here or at our FB page, www.facebook.com/CinefilesComic, or via Twitter @Ratsnhats and I’ll send you my personal pick for SIFF 2015. *

And check out all the wonderful festival offerings at www.siff.net

* I am not affiliated in any way with SIFF, nor compensated by them. I’m just a big fan of the festival and I want to share the love with as many folks who might also enjoy becoming a SIFF attendee like me!